My Latest Watercolour Painting(s)
Other examples of my bird paintings can be seen in the Animals and Birds gallery and also in the gallery of New Paintings.
My Latest Watercolour Painting(s)I thought I'd reached the end of my recent bird series/obsession until I remembered my desire to paint another robin. This will not be the last of them, I have in mind to paint a robin pulling a worm from the ground.
Other examples of my bird paintings can be seen in the Animals and Birds gallery and also in the gallery of New Paintings. "Limitations breed creativity" Last November I wrote an article about Moving Forward, since every artist at some point wonders how they can move forward with their painting. I wrote the following article to illustrate how "The Plan" I wrote about in that article, might work. Workshops or classes are needed to learn techniques and try out new ideas but I think real learning comes from challenging oneself.
We only solve problems when we are faced with them and with this in mind I enjoy setting new challenges for myself. I sometimes set myself what others consider to be unnecessary restrictions but I think of restrictions as positive. They force me to think and work in new ways. When I'm free to do what I want I have a tendency, as we all do, to stay firmly in the safety of my established comfort zone. Once I construct challenges for myself I find that the limitations, rather than limiting what I can do, actually increase my skill, productivity, knowledge and understanding. Why wouldn't you want to do that too? Le quatorze juilletThe photograph below shows the first stage of my watercolour painting Fireworks at Carcassonne. By clicking the "read more" tab you can see the painting process from the initial sketch, made on location, to the final stages of the painting. More of my landscape paintings can be seen in the gallery, Landscape Paintings and in the gallery of New Paintings.
SunburstOther examples of my bird paintings can be seen in the Animals and Birds gallery and also in the gallery of New Paintings.
DiscoveredMore of my landscape paintings can be seen in the gallery, Landscape Paintings and in the gallery of New Paintings.
Thank you to everyone on Facebook who suggested names for this painting. I liked all of them but finally settled on "Discovered" as there is a rather startled looking Red Grouse, bottom left. |
Eleanor Mann
Putting a "Spotlight on Watercolour"I am a watercolour artist and tutor. Welcome to my painting blog.
I'll share my new paintings and news with you here - before they're published on the main site. Information about watercolour painting techniques and step-by-step demonstrations and a host of other things are available by subscribing to my online "art group", For more information about this please click here. If you would like to subscribe to receive notification that I've posted something that may interest you (don't worry, you won't be inundated) there is a form below. Thanks for visiting. Please read the Privacy Policy
March 2024