Before and after.
You see, I teach here, write tutorial articles for my blog, do my accounts and research. I reply to emails, manage marketing and maintain social networks. I keep an inventory, order materials and pack orders of prints ready to post. I arrange to exhibit my work, plan and prepare for it. I scan my paintings, watermark them and upload them to my website. I package prints and cards and arrange to deliver them to the various places that sell them on my behalf. I keep an inventory of my paintings; where they are, their sizes and prices. I arrange demonstrations and prepare for workshops. The room has to act as a make sift gallery when people come to view pictures, and, if I have time, I paint here!
I'd outgrown the space a while ago. Necessary materials and things were stacking up in the room next door and it all looked a jumble.
These before and after photos show just how much it's been changed. Before the re-fit I made do with whatever odd bits of furniture we had, or were given. Now it has purpose built furniture, and there is room for all its necessary functions.
You can see below how the table dominated the room, and I could still only squeeze two people around it for a lesson. Now the purpose built cupboards along two walls have overhanding worktops, giving me twice as much storage. Plus ample room for five people, possibly six, if they are small.
The things on the table, and on the floor behind it, had to be cleared away into the room next door before I could do anything. Now it's all tucked away out of sight in the new cupboards.
Now "Phase II" is under way. There is a space left in the room next door now everything fits into "my studio", as it is now called. Display boards are being made, turning the area into a small gallery which will allow me to open both rooms to the public on weekends and so forth.
There is just one drawback. It may have looked like chaos in here before but I knew where everything was! Now, it's all so well tucked away that it's going to take me some time to find everything I need.
Still, on the bright side, organizing is one of my favourite pass times so I'm like a pig in mud. Now, where did I put my brushes?