My Latest Watercolour Painting
When I think of Venice, which is an amazing place to experience, two things strike me most. Firstly, if I think of Venice from a birds eye view it is a small place and the area we explored whilst we were there was just a tiny part of it and yet we didn't stop and we didn't see all the sights. Secondly, the facades of the buildings you see from the Grand Canal, and smaller side canals, mainly look... well, crumbling and yet behind the facades is jaw dropping opulence the likes of which I have never seen before. From a painters point of view I am more inspired to paint the outsides of these palacial residences.
The challenge for me, painting this understated doorway was to make it look decrepit and worn by years of water erosion. My natural instinct is to paint everything "perfectly", as though it's just been built. When I began painting I was told by another artist that my work looked like it had been "power washed". Since ancient arcitecture is still one of the subjects I enjoy painting I keep this comment in mind and endeavour to "mess it up" a bit.